Endurance Coach is an online coaching service specialized in triathlon, cycling and running.
Endurance Coach is an online coaching service intended for recreational and professional athletes of all ages and abilities, especially for those who lead a busy life and try each day to balance sport with other priorities, such as work, family and travel. Training plans are completely adapted to each athlete, paying special attention to – age, abilities, available resources, current state (free time, money, work, family, etc.)
I have worked, and I still work with many recreational and professional triathletes and runners – from complete beginners, all the way to elite competitors of all ages alike. Since 2008, I have worked with more than 400 satisfied clients.
I use innovative, simple and very effective coaching approach
I can fully understand that every client’s needs are different, which is why each of them gets special attention.
Regardless of age, gender and abilities, Endurance Coach – an online coaching service – will help you achieve your sport goals and maximize your sport potential, while leading a balanced life.
I would like to single out three things in my coaching approach that I pay special attention to while coaching my clients, and those are:
- Continuous progress
- Balanced lifestyle
- Keeping away from injuries
Coaching approach
I’ve been on both sides of the coach-client relationship. First, I want to share a few things about how you can get the most from your coach. Here are some important things you should remember before hiring a coach:
By hiring a coach, you entrust your complete season to another person. First of all, check your coach’s background, experience and credentials, ask for some recommendations and talk to his current clients. Examine examples of a training plan and check the coach’s approach on the development of your next season. There are many coaches and many ways of approaching the training. Different strategies work differently on each client, which is why you should see if the coach’s approach to trainings, structure and everything relating suits your needs. This will create trust and good relationship for the future.
Be clear with your coach when discussing your plans and goals for the following season or specific period of time. Set your goals early on and stick to the plan so you can achieve them. Your goals should be realistic to your current capabilities and available resources.
Many coaches offer different levels of services that are matched with different prices. Choose a coach and a plan that suits your needs. If you want frequent communication, look for a coach that will happily give information you need at any time of a day/week. This type of frequent communication is usually accompanied with a bit higher prices than usual.
When you hire a coach, you are paying for his advice, experience and support. Ask a lot of questions. You have to understand what is annual, monthly and weekly planning. If you understand your trainings and their purpose, you will become even better competitor. Also, it is your duty to give an insight into how and in what way you are performing your trainings. You have to be completely honest. For example, if you are so tired that you cannot get out of the bed, make sure that your coach acknowledges that. Be completely open and clear about what is happening with you. This is especially important in an online relationship, when the coach is not physically present. It is also important to say when you are tired, injured or if you don’t follow the given plan. My personal opinion is that if you restrict you mutual communication, it is the same as if you don’t have a coach.
Follow the plan
If you have already made a commitment, paid and laid out your season in advance, follow the coach’s plan. This sounds very easy, but in reality, clients are more likely to modify an existing plan. Every workout has its purpose. When in doubt, ask your coach questions until you get all the answers. You are paying your coach to answer your questions with his knowledge, sotake advantage of that.
The coach has to be able to explain goals, given trainings, techniques and strategies in a way that is completely clear to the client.
Being open
The coach has to be open with his client. Client has to know that he will not be judged by the coach at any moment. This builds trust and good relationship between coach and client, and improves the efficiency of trainings in the future.
The coach has to bear full responsibility for the program he gives you. Also, the client has to bear full responsibility that he will complete the program in the best possible way. If there are any doubts, coach and client should examine the program together and clear all uncertainties, and finally mutually agree with an established and planned strategy. This will build trust and strengthen faith in success.
FAQ – frequently asked questions
It often happens that people contact me regarding potential cooperation and ask me questions listed below. Therefore, here are the answers.
- What is Endurance Coach?
It’s an online coaching service specialized in running, cycling and triathlon that can help you achieve your goals in these sports. Coach is not there physically, but virtually. Coach communicates with you through various communication tools (mobile phone, email, Facebook, Viber, Skype and other forms of communication).
- For whom is it intended?
It is for recreational and professional athletes regardless of age, gender and current abilities, especially for those who lead busy lives, and try to balance sport with other priorities, such as work, family and travel.
- How does coaching function?
Structure of training is determined based on the current information, given data, available resources and other parameters. Each client gets a unique training plan in PDF format for single use.
- Is it necessary to have previous experience in these sports?
You should have experience to the extent you are able to do trainings on your own, use technology (GPS watch/pulse rate meter/powermeter) and other things depending on the sport you do and available technology.
- What is necessary to start with coaching?
Online coach is not physically present and it is necessary to have technology at disposal:
-For running you need a GPS watch, preferably with pulse rate meter.
-For trail running you need a GPS watch with pulse rate meter.
-For cycling you need a pulse rate meter or powermeter, which is highly recommended.
-For swimming it is essential to have existing swimming skills for self-training. It is advisable to have some supervision done by another coach by the pool from time to time (1-2 times a week), with whom you can complete your training plan (triathlon).
- What is the price of online coaching?
The price depends on the commitment level of the coach and to the sport you do. Feel free to contact me regarding the price of coaching for particular sport and level of commitment.
- Are there any restrictions?
You have to be of legal age if you want this kind of cooperation.
- OK, I have everything I need to start working with a coach. What’s the procedure?
If you have decided on any of given levels of coaching, you will receive a questionnaire with a set of questions that helps coach to start working with you. After answering the questionnaire, we will comment on the answers together and go on with coaching. This is usually followed by your committing to the training, setting up coaching which can last several days, and then we can begin with the work.
- Feedback on completed trainings?
You get feedback through popular online sites (trainingpeaks, Garmin, movescount, etc.) and email.
- What if I get sick, injured or want to take a break because of the end of the season?
In that case the coaching is put to a stop, which you can restart when you start training again. You pay only when you need a coach.
You have decided to do your training better?
You have already done many races, but the results are stagnating?
You need someone who will fully take care of how you train and someone who will optimize your already limited time for training in order to get ready for races as best as possible and achieve your goals?
Possibly you have many responsibilities outside your sport’s life, and you want to minimize the burden and the stress on your family and coworkers during the time of your preparations?
Do you need advice and structured training plan to take you through your travels successfully and with as little stress and time as possible, and you are thinking that hiring a coach is the real deal?
If your answer is yes, then you are in the right place.
My work is based on online personal coaching. Every plan I make is unique for each client, i.e. specifically made for single use according to client’s specific goals. My training philosophy is that every training has its purpose. Training plans I make for my clients are very precise and adjusted to client’s abilities and sport or discipline they are training for.
The training plan is made for each week in advance based on your current stage, situation and available time; therefore the trainings are fully adapted just to you.
Your time will be fully optimized and used in the best possible way to meet your current capabilities and available resources (free time, money, work, family, etc.) Once we get acquainted, we will develop the plan, structure, strategy, goals and we will consider your possibilities and available resources. After that we will get an overall picture and we can begin realizing your goals. I look on your goals as my own, that is why you will get whatever it takes to reach your goals.
You get your feedback on the training through email and popular online sites such as Garmin Connect, Movescount, and other online tools for updating trainings, depending on technology at your disposal.
What level of dedication do you want?
Endurance Coach coaching service offers three levels of approaching the client’s needs:
Level 1 – For recreational and professional athletes who want a structured and fully customized training plan.
This type of coaching includes:
- Training plan made for two weeks in advance.
- Training plan that is optimized and adapted to your goals, current abilities and available resources (free time, money, work, etc.)
- Unlimited communication through email, with max 48 hours for response
- Updating or modifying the existing training plan max once in two weeks.
- Strength, stability and alignment exercises
- Tips before and after the race
- Testing
Level 2 – For recreational and professional athletes who need more structure, fine adjustment and fully personalized plan that suits them.
This type of coaching includes:
- Training plan made for one week in advance.
- Training plan that is optimized and adapted to your goals, current abilities and available resources (free time, money, work, etc.)
- Unlimited communication through email, with max 24 hours for response
- Updating or modifying the existing training plan max two times in 7-day plan
- Training classification by priority and importance
- Communication through Skypeonce a week
- Strength, stability and alignment exercises
- Injury prevention
- Dealing with injuries
- Nutrition advices
- Consultations and tips before and after the race
- Equipment review and advices
- Testing
Level 3 – the ultimate, highest level of dedication; fully personalized training and designed for recreational and professional athletes who want the best and the most out of the coaching
This type of coaching includes:
- The training plan is provided on a weekly basis, but it is also possible to provide day by day if needed
- Training plan that is optimized and adapted to your goals, current abilities and available resources (free time, money, work, etc.)
- Unlimited communication through email/skype, with max 12 hours for response
- Unlimited changes and updates for your training plan that suits your needs
- Feedback of training sessions through the platform of your choice; Garmin, Strava, Movescount …
- Training classification by priority and importance
- Strength, stability and core exercises
- Injury prevention
- Resolve injuries
- Specific nutrition adapted for client
- Consultations and advice before and after race, Specific protocols for each race individually
- Overview and tips on the equipment
- Tips on buying equipment
- Specific tips to accelerate your weakest discipline and realization
- Personal and long-range planning
- Testing
- Measuring and updating your progress
Payment is easily placed through PayPal. The minimum obligation for coaching is cooperation for four months, where you are obliged to pay in advance for that period. When this period expires, you can pay again for the next time period or until the date you need me. In the case of a break, either due to an injury or the end of the season, the coaching is put to a stop, which you can restart when you start training again.
Final words
If you’re interested for full customized coaching, feel free to contact me: